Parlaq qızdırıcılarımızla özünüzü rahat hiss edə bilərsiniz. UFO elektrik infraqırmızı qızdırıcıları otağı bərabər şəkildə qızdırmaq üçün orta dalğalı parlaq istilikdən istifadə edərək rahat və təbii istilik yaradır. Otaqda havanı qızdırmağa ehtiyac yoxdur; obyektləri qızdırmaq üçün UFO kosmik qızdırıcılarımızdan istifadə edin. Bu qızdırıcılar içindəki obyektləri birbaşa qızdırmaqla məkanı səmərəli şəkildə qızdırır, bu qızdırılan obyektlər istiliyi otağa yayır; bu, yerin istiləşməsinə çoxlu enerji sərf edən ənənəvi istilik üsullarından fərqlidir. Bizim kosmik qızdırıcılarımız yaşayış, ticarət və sənaye obyektlərində istifadə olunduğunu nəzərə alsaq çox yönlüdür.
Wall-Mounted Space Heaters for Indoor and Outdoor Use
Our compact wall-mounted infrared heaters keep your home warm without taking up valuable space or disrupting your layout. They are also great for businesses because they leave the floor free of obstacles. We carry infrared heaters for indoors in a range of 1500 to 3000 watts to serve your precise heating needs.
Indoor and Outdoor Portable Electric Space Heaters
Tower space heaters are versatile options for business or home applications. The UFO 1500-watt portable space heater weighs about 10 lbs and can easily be moved from room to room. Applying medium-wave infrared technology, UFO heaters heat the space at hand efficiently and quickly.
Indoor and Outdoor Portable Electric Space Heaters
Tower space heaters are versatile options for business or home applications. The UFO 1500-watt portable space heater weighs about 10 lbs and can easily be moved from room to room. Applying medium-wave infrared technology, UFO heaters heat the space at hand efficiently and quickly.
Infrared Electric Space Heater with Thermostat
Both the portable and wall-mounted space heaters are equipped with thermostatic controls, allowing anyone to raise the temperature up to a comfortable level. It is enough to simply turn the knob a little to adjust the thermostat to one's preference.
Infrared Electric Space Heater with Remote Control
Both infrared wall heaters and tower space heaters come with a convenient remote control so you can quickly change the temperature setting until you get to the perfect comfort level. Our indoor remote control heaters provide five heat settings for versatile heating options. Browse through some of our indoor infrared heaters below to select the perfect electric space heater for your application.
Infrared Electric Space Heater with Remote Control
Both infrared wall heaters and tower space heaters come with a convenient remote control so you can quickly change the temperature setting until you get to the perfect comfort level. Our indoor remote control heaters provide five heat settings for versatile heating options. Browse through some of our indoor infrared heaters below to select the perfect electric space heater for your application.